Neck pain relief is a common goal for many people. Neck pain can often cause tremendous discomfort and lead to a reduced quality of life. This article will guide you on effective methods to alleviate neck pain, focusing on practical solutions that can be easily implemented into your daily life.

Understanding Neck Pain

Neck pain is common and can be caused by various factors, like poor posture, or activities that strain the neck muscles.1

There are nonsurgical approaches that can help alleviate neck pain symptoms.2 These methods focus on reducing pain and inflammation, promoting healing, and improving overall comfort.2

Causes of Neck Pain

Some of the most common causes of neck pain include2:

  • Arthritis
  • Disc degeneration
  • Narrowing of the spinal canal
  • Muscle inflammation
  • Strain or trauma

Topical analgesics, like the Biofreeze range, can be helpful for neck pain related to arthritis, sore muscles and joints.3

8 Effective Techniques for Relieving and Preventing Neck Pain

Most neck pain can be attributed to poor posture, or age-related wear and tear.1 Some simple changes to your daily routine that can help relieve neck pain include1,4:

1. Try gentle stretches for quick relief

Incorporate gentle neck stretches and shoulder rolls into your daily routine to prevent stiffness and discomfort caused by inactivity.4

2. Ice and heat for neck pain

It may help to apply ice to relieve pain and reduce inflammation.5 According to Harvard Health, cryotherapy may reduce soreness in the short term and accelerate the perception of recovery after certain activities. However, it has not been proven to consistently lead to improved function or performance.7

You could also try topical pain relief products like Biofreeze’s range, which contain menthol that provides cooling pain relief.6

If you prefer heat therapy, a heating pad or a warm bath can also help ease your aching neck.4

3. Adjust your desk, chair, and computer

Ensure your workstation is ergonomically set up with proper chair height, foot placement, and screen positioning to reduce strain on your neck and upper back.

4. Avoid carrying heavy bags on one shoulder

Opt for a backpack with padded straps to distribute weight evenly. This will prevent strain on the neck and the upper back muscles caused by heavy bags.

5. Be mindful of your sleeping position

Choose a supportive pillow that maintains neck alignment and avoid sleeping on your stomach to prevent neck strain.

6. Take frequent breaks

On long days spent at your desk, ensure that you get up occasionally to stretch your neck and shoulders.

7. Maintain a healthy posture

It’s important to maintain proper posture by sitting and standing with shoulders back, chin tucked in, and spine aligned to reduce neck pain and improve overall posture. To help prevent neck pain, keep your head centred over your spine.1

8. Try stress reduction techniques

In most circumstances, incorporating stress reduction techniques as a form of self-care can help speed up recovery. This can include staying active, deep breathing, meditation, and progressive muscle relaxation.5

When to Seek Professional Help

Get in touch with your healthcare provider if:8

  • If your neck pain is severe
  • The pain lasts for weeks or months
  • Your neck pain drastically limits your ability to move your head, radiates into the shoulders
  • You feel worse in the morning